The Wolf of the Web

How To Make Your Website Completely Mobile Friendly

How To Make Your Website Completely Mobile Friendly

Mobile devices users is constantly rising and it’s become a vital part of everyday lives that’s whether you are scrolling through social media apps such as Facebook, contacting someone through Whatsapp but most importantly when we need to find a service or a place we take to Google Search.

Mobile devices count for over 50% of the overall web traffic so if you aren’t making sure that your website design isn’t mobile friendly, imagine all the potential customers or clients you are missing out on. It’s not a luxury anymore to create a website design that is mobile friendly it is now an necessity.

If you are creating websites you must always be asking yourself – ‘how can I make this more mobile friendly for potential users and how can I implement it?’ Being experts in website design we have created a lot of websites for businesses in different sectors and we’ve learnt this tips and trick through trial and area.

You have to understand before creating a website that is mobile friendly that there are a lot of phones from different manufacturers such as Apple iPhones, Android and many more available for people to purchase which comes with unique screensizes and screen resolutions. In order to create a great experience across these multiple devices we must follow these rules so our website can be mobile friendly and responsive.

Choose A Mobile Responsive Layout

When you are choosing a theme for your website, you can see beforehand how it looks like on a mobile device as some website builders such as Elementor for WordPress let you rescale the website to see how it would look like a mobile device. Doing this you can step inside the shoes off a mobile user so you can see where you can improve and remove certain aspects of your website.

If your website is mobile friendly, it is more favoured in the Google rankings as Google Search Engine prefers indexing sites that are compatible on mobile. Another reason why a mobile friendly website is important to have as being top in the searches can generate you thousands in revenue every month.

Focus On Fast Loading Speed

Your website speed plays a massive role in creating the best user experience and can be one of the first impressions a user has of your site. If your site taking too long to load then there’s a high chance they will exit your website before even viewing the page.A lot of web designers focus on what the website speed is like on desktop and forget to run a check on their mobile speed as some cases with websites is that it loads quickly on desktop but has problems on mobile. You can do a speed test through PageSpeed Insights by Google which tells you the performance on both desktop and mobile. It will also tell you the problems that the site has so you can change it.

Use Font That’s A Good Size And Readable

The recommend and most popular font size that you will come across when visiting websites is 14px but running a mobile check you can see that the size is just a little bit too small for the user reading and it’d be in your best interests to make it a bigger especially if the target audience is an older audience who may struggle to read smaller fonts.

It’s best to find a sweet spot because if you have a font that’s massive it can take up too much of the website and could become too long which could lead to people leaving the website due to lost focus in the content.

Make Button Sizes Bigger

When you are scrolling on a desktop, it’s easier to click buttons even if they are a bit on the small size but it’s a whole different story when it comes to mobile. Having small buttons that are crucial on your websites especially for conversions, they can be a pain to click with your fingers.

It can be even more annoying if you have many buttons close to eachother to click on, it shouldn’t be a task to carefully click the button you want to choose. Be careful where you choose to put your buttons on mobile and the size you want to display on the mobile version of your website.

Make Information Easy To Find

People who are searching for services or a place on a mobile are usually looking for information easy and quick compared to someone who browsing on a desktop. 

When designing a mobile friendly site it’s key that you are making any important information that tells people about your business and how it works easily visible and obvious so there isn’t any miscommunicate between you and any potential prospects.

Remove Any Pop Ups

On a desktop website you can get away with placing the odd pop-up on your site unless you are using a full screen pop-up as soon as someone enters, pop-ups rarely take up your website and can work for you by collecting emails and gifting lead magnets such as guides to people to build up more trust. 

But when you are browsing on a mobile device, clicking on a website to be instantly greeted with a pop-up can be a big factor in people exiting straight away. Like we said before people that are using mobile are often looking for a quick and easy experience so having an pop-up that takes up the whole of your mobile screen can make a user completely lost interest in your website.

Normally if you are running an eCommerce store some pop-ups are too important to disable so whatever eCommerce pop-up platform check out the mobile settings and make it only appear after the user has scrolled the website after a certain amount of time build enough interest either enter their details to you or exit it and still visit more pages on your website.

Riley Williams is the creative force behind The Wolf Of The Web! With over 100+ websites built across diverse sectors. I believe in crafting eye-catching websites that not only look amazing but also generate more calls, leads, and sales for your business.